Building your program in Joi

The program details what is going to happen, where it will happen and when


Create New Event

When you create a new event it will open in the program builder…because the program is the most important part of an event

Add rooms or locations

The 'where' is the room or location

Think about your event and think about the different spaces you will need

  • Maybe a reception area and a main room
  • Maybe a separate space for a lunch or dinner
  • Could be STAGE ONE, STAGE TWO at a festival
  • It might be an incentive activity like 'sailing'

    Add the room/locations you think you will need and don't worry about getting it exactly right as they are easy to rearrange, change or delete later.


You  may not know which venues you will use when you start to build the program so give each room location a nickname for quick reference

Venue details

Once you have decided on your venues you can start to add the details.

To add details click on the black bar to open the Manage Room/Location window
Add the name the venue uses for the Room/location
Add venue address using google maps

Drag and drop 

Hover over the left edge of the room/location header and the grab handle will appear

You can then drag and drop the room location to reorder if needed



Sessions are the 'what' in your program

Sessions can be any audience experience

  • A presentation
  • A Band set
  • Yoga by the pool
  • Team building
  • Anything

Add the sessions for each room/location

Developing your program

Add your sessions to each room/location to build out your program

Play with the flow to get the perfect program

When you start  developing your program the sessions may just be ideas. This is not an issue as it is easy to delete, reorder or change the details on sessions as you go

Add session info

Click in the white space to open the Manage Session Window

In Session Info add all the details you will want the audience to see when you ublish the program

  • Session description
  • Public links [ ie zoom rooms, session papers etc.]
  • Performers or speakers
  • Sponsors

Drag and drop sessions

It is simple to rearrange sessions with drag and drop

Hover over the left edge of the session and the grab handle will appear

You can then drag and drop the session anywhere in the program

Out of Session

Add an Out of Session when you have a break in the program for that room/location


Start time

click on the time to edit

Session times

Click on duration to edit

The session start and finish time will be calculated automatically


Change views

Use the controls on the header bar to switch between expanded and condensed view

ready to go

Share the program

When you are ready you can share the program in many different ways

  • Print PDF
  • Share url
  • Embed in a website
  • Create your own microsite
  • Create an event app

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